Better birth care for regional parents-to-be

Loxton mums like Jess Storry, here with her baby Oscar, and local midwife Andrea Prokopec, are set to benefit from a program matching midwives to expectant parents for the duration of their pregnancy.

An award-winning program that pairs a woman with a dedicated midwife throughout their pregnancy has been so successful, it is now being expanded to Loxton Hospital.

Since the Midwifery Group Practice was introduced to Riverland General and Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial hospitals in late 2021 and mid-2022 respectively, people have been leaving hospital sooner after giving birth and there has been a surge in midwife bookings.

Also offered at health services including Flinders Medical Centre, Lyell McEwin Hospital and the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, the program assigns a midwife to a pregnant person, who will then support them throughout gestation, through labour and six weeks post birth.

The initiative received the Excellence in Practice – Team award at the 2023 SA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards, in recognition of efforts to overcome regional workforce challenges and for offering incredible support.

Loxton midwife Andrea Prokopec said the program offered families consistent and personalised service, and that midwives were able to be flexible in their hours of work to best suit the needs of their clients.

“The program matches women with a midwife who will care for them through their whole journey,” Ms Prokopec said.

“It means that you get to know each other, offer personalised care, and build a really strong rapport.

She said it provided the women taking part with tailored education and support.

"If a mum has a problem, she can call us directly and get advice," Ms Prokopec said.

“For us, it means we can focus on midwifery, rather than trying to juggle other patients and working set shifts. This has been really attractive for recruiting new midwives as well.”

She added that local GPs and obstetricians had been supportive of the program.

Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network Chief Executive Wayne Champion said programs like Midwifery Group Practice delivered better health outcomes to regional communities while providing certainty and stability for locals.

“I’m very proud of the Midwifery Group Practice team and am certain this program will give improved pregnancy and post-partum support to people across Loxton and beyond,” Mr Champion said.

Expectant parents should discuss their options with their GP. GPs can make direct referrals if a person is considered suitable for the midwife program.

Meanwhile, on Kangaroo Island, where local midwifery services resumed in February, there’s been something of a baby boom. Since February 12 babies have been born on the island and another 21 births are scheduled for this year.

The Kangaroo Island Health Service will also benefit from $15 million upgrade works, including new workforce accommodation.

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