Children needed for study into how to prevent sore throats

Children and young people are needed to take part in the Sore Throat Study, being run by researchers at the Women's and Children's Hospital to investigate the prevalence and most common cause of sore throats in children and young people.

The Australian-first study will also examine how sore throats change during the seasons, and it is hoped will be an important first step in finding a vaccine to prevent painful sore throats caused by Strep A bacteria.

Strep A can be treated with antibiotics but if left untreated can lead to the development of severe disease which can result in heart and kidney failure.

It is the fifth most common cause of infection-related mortality in the world after HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and pneumococcal disease.

The research team is looking for children and young people aged between three and 14 years to take part in the 12-month study, which will require three visits which can be conducted either on-site or virtually from home.

Participants need to be generally healthy and do not have to be prone to throat infections.

Women’s and Children’s Health Network Clinical Research Director Professor Helen Marshall AM said the study's findings would assist with the development of a Strep A vaccine.

“We are reaching out to parents who want to be part of changing the future of Strep A infections in children,” Professor Marshall said.

“Throat infections can be incredibly distressing for children and adults, particularly those who are prone to them.

“We are particularly interested to find out which sore throats are caused by the Strep A bacteria."

The study is a joint venture between the Women’s and Children’s Health Network, Perth’s Telethon Kids Institute and Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

South Australians can get involved by contacting the study team via phone 8161 6328, emailing or by visiting the Sore Throat Study.

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