Rail upgrade to help breathe new life into the Port

Artist impression of the new railway station and plaza at Baker St.

The project will re-establish the 1km Port Dock spur - which was decommissioned in 1981 - and construct a new railway station, providing improved services for local residents and making it easier for visitors to access Port Adelaide.

Under the project scope, as well as the new railway station and plaza to be built at Baker St, a bus interchange will be constructed at the existing Lipson St carpark, and landscaping installed around the station, plaza and along the rail corridor.

Construction of the project is expected to support 100 full-time equivalent jobs, with work expected to be complete in late 2024.

Following a review of the design late last year, the plan now features no level crossings, and improved pedestrian and cyclist access via Barlow and Baker streets.

Passenger services along the Outer Harbor line will continue throughout the work, with access maintained to the National Railway Museum and the South Australian Aviation Museum.

Once complete, it will be the first time in more than 40 years that rail services have been in the heart of Port Adelaide, and contribute significantly to the ongoing renewal of the Port precinct.

For more information, visit the Port Dock Railway Line project.

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